I set up this blog so that I could start writing right away. I’ve actually been trying to set up a static site with a site generator. But I’m not a programmer by any means, and it has taken me a while to figure out how different generators work. I’ve looked at Pelican, Lektor, Zola, and Hugo. I can tinker some with python code, and I use Ubuntu via WSL so that I can play around with Linux. But I couldn’t settle on a look for the site. Hugo had the most themes of the generators that I looked at. However, many of those themes had JavaScript, which I didn’t want to deal with. Furthermore, I need to learn more about CSS so that I can make layout adjustments.
Anyway, these other matters have nothing to do with writing. I was derailed from my original intention in setting up a site. So, while I figure out what I want to do regarding those other matters, I’ll just post here. My primary goal for now is to write and post at least once a week. No length or subject requirements just yet. I hope to avoid pressuring myself too much. My long-term goal is to set up shop and post on a personal site.